Look around; in the midst of a hard-fought Presidential
campaign the perceived horrors of outsourcing seem to be getting the bulk of
political advertising dollars, at least from one side of the aisle. To take the political poison out of the
situation, let’s look at domestic outsourcing, in particular the example I want
to highlight is one in which I am personally familiar, which is outsourcing of
analog integrated circuit (IC) design and development to independent design service
providers. For some background, in 1995 I started and ran an analog IC design
services firm called Integrated Circuit Designs until 2007, when we were
acquired by Texas Instruments as an internal design team and could no longer
work with outside customers. After a few
years ‘on the inside’ I have recently started a similar design and development
services firm called MIE Labs (www.mielabs.com). Our
charter is to partner with customers in providing circuit design, product development
and consultation services in order to enable them to more quickly grow their
How would a customer benefit from outsourcing this type of
activity? Well there are many individual
situations where a customer would benefit, I will highlight a few of the most
common as they relate to my business:
1) Customer whose core competency is in design and development of analog ICs
1) Customer whose core competency is in design and development of analog ICs
This is the most straightforward
situation, in which the customer outsources design tasks primarily due to the
fact that they have more opportunities than their internal staff can handle. The difficulty in finding and recruiting
quality analog IC designers still exists even in this economy, so outsourcing
in this situation can make a lot of sense, particularly if the need is a short
term one. The design service provider
can take on projects at both ends of the spectrum; where the customer does not
have expertise in a particular specialized technology, for example,
or on the other end where the service provider can provide turnkey services in
doing spins and modifications of existing products in which the customer’s own
designers have little interest in taking on.
A good design services provider will work hard to achieve a level of
familiarity with the customer’s internal processes so that after a brief
learning curve the outside provider looks no different to the customer than
their own internal teams.
2) Customer whose core competency is in design and development of digital or mixed-signal ICs
2) Customer whose core competency is in design and development of digital or mixed-signal ICs
In this case the customer is
typically designing large systems-on-chip (SoC) with heavy digital/firmware
content. They most likely have a large
staff of digital and firmware designers but perhaps do not have sufficient
analog talent to address whatever small but critical analog content is needed
in their chip. Prepackaged analog IP is
sometimes the answer but it is still not a plug and play situation and in many
cases the analog IP must be customized for process and application. Good analog IC design requires a critical
mass of experience and expertise and most companies who are not actively doing it
on a consistent basis do not have a strong analog team in place, nor does it
make sense to build that team internally.
In this situation, the use of an outsourced analog design services
provider is the best approach.
3) Customer who has no core competency in IC development but needs an IC for their end product
In this case the customer needs to
better integrate their end product for size, weight, power or cost reasons but they
have no experience or expertise in IC design/development of any flavor. In this case, the design services provider
can provide the knowledge to make rational decisions on whether or not a custom
IC makes sense, and if so, how the system should best be partitioned. The services provider can not only perform
the chip design task itself but also provide the specialized program management
of both the chip design and the backend development, including interfacing
between the customer and wafer fabs, assembly and test providers.
In this article I have tried to show three major situations
in which outsourcing is sometimes a very attractive and reasonable alternative
to trying to do everything in house. I
have used the example with which I am most familiar, which is analog IC design
and development. For those sensitive to
the politics of the situation, or simply concerned that offshoring leads to
communications and management nightmares, outsourcing to domestic service
providers is a great alternative and should be considered as a matter of course
where internal resources are short or do not match your core competencies.
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